


11 Hours


Regular Day Tour

Tour Type



Thu & Sun


All Year


Piazza Armerina and Agrigento Group Tour from Palermo

Multilingual tour: Italian, English and Spanish (guaranteed). French and German on request (not guaranteed).

The tour will start from one of the meeting points located in Palermo.

The driver will pick you up and will start driving in direction of Piazza Armerina (approximately 2 hours and half from Palermo).
Upon arrival, you will have the opportunity to enjoy the visit of the amazing Roman Villa of Casale, that belongs to the Unesco Heritage. Built on the 4th century AD, the Villa was later forgotten and only in the 20th century excavations revealed the whole building.

It is the supreme example of a luxury Roman villa (about 3500 square meters of floor mosaics) and was probably the residence of a member of the upper class of the Roman Empire. The mosaics discovered here are celebrated among scholars of antiquity.

The visit inside the Roman Villa will be done independently: approximately 1 hour or 1 hour and half, depending the number of visitors inside the Villa. Every room has information boards. Admission fee not included: at the moment the price is Eur 10 per person for Adult.

Then we will drive approximately 2 hours before reaching the Valley of the Temples of Agrigento. The walking tour of the Valley of the Temples will be done with a licensed Guide.

Admission fee not included: at the moment the price is Eur 10 per person for Adult. This archaeological site belongs to the Unesco World Heritage since 1997.

The visit of the Valley of the Temples covers the Temple of Hera, Concordia, Hercules and the Temple of Zeus. Agrigento, according to legend, was founded by Daedalus and his son Icarus after they had fled from Crete “by air”.

Historically, however, its origins date back to 582 B.C. when it was founded by Rhodian-cretan colonist from the neighbouring Gela who named their city Akragas after the nearby river of that name.

It rapidly increased in size, importance and military strength under Phalarides, the first tyrant, and later under Theron, who extended his sway over northern Sicily as far as Himera.

Agrigento was a city of artists and illustrious personages, amongst whom the philosopher Empedocles. Pindar defines it as “the most beautiful of mortal cities” and, in fact, in the Vth century B.C., those famous temples, whose beauty we still admire today, were built.

Later we will drive back to Palermo.


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There is a possibility of cancellation after confirmation if there are not enough passengers to meet requirements. In the event of this occurring, you will be offered an alternative or full refund.

The price of this tour does not include the Admission Fees.
At the moment the price is Eur 20 per person for Adult (Euro 10,00 each sight). There will be discount for children and youth under 18 years old.



  • Collective excursion
  • Licensed Local Guide as per program
  • Multilanguage tour leader
  • VAT
  • Vehicle/coach with air conditioning  - no toilet
  • Visit as per itinerary (independent without booking of guide)
Not Included
  • Admission fees
  • Beverages and meals
  • Gratuities and tips

Incontro con il nostro staff al punto di incontro e partenza per Piazza Armerina per visitare la Villa romana del Casale (Biglietto d'ingresso: non incluso) risalente alla fine del IV secolo d.C. Apparteneva a un'importante famiglia romana influente. Nel pomeriggio, prosegui verso Agrigento per visitare la magnifica Valle dei Templi (Biglietto d'ingresso: non incluso), eretta dai Greci durante il V secolo a.C. . Successivamente ritorno a Palermo.

Gli ingressi non sono inclusi:
- Valle dei Templi 10€ per persona;
- Valle dei Templi + Museo Archeologico 13,50€ per persona;
- Villa romana del Casale 10€ per persona.
I prezzi indicati sono soggetti a variazione senza preavviso.

Visita guidata della Valle dei Templi (museo archeologico escluso). Visita indipendente della Villa Romana.

Escursione multilingue: Italiano, Inglese e Spagnolo (garantite). Francese e tedesco su richiesta (non garantite).


Salida de la excursión desde uno de los puntos de encuentro más cercano a su propio hotel (los detalles (lugar y horario) se comunicarán al momento de la reserva). Salida hacia Piazza Armerina para visitar la famosa Villa romana del Casale (la entrada a la villa no está incluida) que data de finales del siglo IV d. C. Perteneció a una importante familia romana.
Después salida hacia Agrigento para visitar, con guía local, el magnífico Valle de los Templos (la entrada al Valle de los Templos no está incluida), erigida por los griegos durante el siglo V a. C. Al finalizar la visita del Valle, regreso a Palermo.

Las entradas no están incluidas:
- Valle de los Templos 10,00€ por persona;
- Valle de los Templos y Museo Arqueológico 13,50€ por persona;
- Villa romana del Casale 10,00€ por persona.
Los precios indicados podrían variar sin previo aviso.

Visita guiada del Valle de los Templos (Museo Arqueológico excluido). Visita independiente de la Villa Romana.

Tour multilingüe: italiano, inglés y español (garantizado). Francés y alemán a petición (no garantizado).